
Monday 25 July 2011

Bendy man for toddler play

My little one needed a little bendy figure that could drive his cars, ride horses and the like and while I had a creative friend staying last week we made some cute little dolls. They started out as simple wire framed things but soon, as often happens with us, became quite involved little guys, felted, painted and clothed. Here are some photos.

First we used white Milliput to make heads, hands and feet with flat soles, these we left to dry whilst we went to Hackney City Farm for some play. Then we made little wire frame stick men out of pipe cleaners and wrapped them with strips of carded wool from the seaweed eating sheep in North Ronaldsay, that I collected in Orkney (that I still haven't done anything with!). Then we felted them by rubbing them with washing liquid and hot water until the body was firm and made little outfits out of scraps of linen fabric. I had a tiny scrap of beautiful Japanese silk left that I used to make a hat which really made him characterful. A nice little project to use up the ends of other projects.

I'm so loving "World Textiles" the latest issue of Hand/Eye magazine. It just makes me want to up sticks and go on my own around the world textiles journey...


  1. love these did the market stall go? I am sory haven't been on for a while been in hospital but home now.xxlynda

  2. Thanks Lynda for your lovely comments. sorry to hear about hospital, hope you've made a full recovery. I did ok at market, great response but there were not really enough punters coming through and I thought I should make the most of London with my partner and son before we up sticks for Australia in October! So sadly market is off, I wish I got my act together to start a stall sooner. I always seem to leave things to the last minute! Better luck in Melbourne maybe. By the way, hoping to do a workshop with India flint in December in Melbourne as a way of sweetening the transition!
